CMS134v6 – Diabetes: Medical Attention for Nephropathy

Diabetes: Medical Attention for Nephropathy CMS134v6 The percentage of patients 18-75 years of age with diabetes who had
a nephropathy screening test or evidence of nephropathy
during the measurement period.

Patients 18-75 years of age with diabetes with a visit during the measurement period.


Patients with a screening for Diabetic Nephropathy or evidence of nephropathy and any of the following procedure has been performed:

  • Kidney Transplant
  • Vascular Access for Dialysis

With  Urine Protein Tests lab test performed during measurement period.


Exclude patients who were in hospice care during the measurement year


For Denominator:
Patients 18-75 years of age with diabetes with a visit during the measurement period are included in denominator. To record diabetes, navigate to Patient > Provider Note > Diagnosis.

Visit(Measurement Period)- Diabetes

For Numerator:
Patients with a screening for nephropathy or evidence of nephropathy during the measurement period are included in the numerator of this measure. To record the procedures navigate to Patient > Clinical > Evaluations.

Patients with a screening for Diabetic Nephropathy or evidence of nephropathy and any of the following procedure has been performed:

  • Kidney Transplant
  • Vascular Access for Dialysis

With  Urine Protein Tests lab test performed during measurement period.

To learn more about how to add Evaluations, click here.

Numerator Inclusion – Procedures


Exclude patients who were in hospice care during the measurement year

Denominator Exclusions