How to Add Measures for Promoting Interoperability?
Follow the above mentioned workflow to land on the ‘MIPS Measures’ page.
Open the ‘Promoting Interoperability’ tab to select PI measures. From the ‘Entity’ dropdown, select an entity.

Upon selecting the entity, ‘e-Prescribing’, ‘ONC Direct Review Attestation’, ‘Prevention of Information Blocking Attestation’, ‘Provide Patients Electronic Access to their Health Information’, ‘Security Risk Analysis’, ‘Support Electronic Referral Loops by Receiving and Incorporating Health Information’ and ‘Support Electronic Referral Loops by Sending Health Information’ are displayed. These measures are mandatory and auto-selected.

The exclusions, bonus and registry group measures are listed below the mandatory measures.

The ‘Selected Measures’ label shows the count of the selected measures.
‘Selection Guidelines’ box includes general information regarding the measures.

A single registry group consists of 5 measures. A simple registry, multiple counterpart and 3 exclusions. Users can either select one or all the 5 measures.

Once the measures are added, click ‘Save Selected Measures.’

The added measures and their scores are displayed on the dashboard. To view them, click here.
The user can also view/select Promoting Interoperability Measures for MIPS 2020 reporting period so that they can report data on these measures and get monetary incentives.
When no entity is selected, user sees the list of measures.

The user selects an entity in order to view the option to add a measure to an entity.

Users can report promoting interoperability measures for the reporting year 2022 as per CMS guidelines.
All PI measures for the performance year 2022 have been added.
The system displays ‘Mandatory’ and ‘Bonus’ next to required and bonus measures, respectively.
Additionally, the ‘Selection Guidelines’ section is updated as per the 2022 updates provided by CMS.

Click here, to see how the scores of the added measures are displayed on the MIPS dashboard.
Updates in PI 2023 are reflected in the workflow Quality Programs/MIPS Measures.
Selection Guidelines have been updated to:
Some mandatory measures required for base score are pre-selected on entity creation. However, for Public Health and Clinical Data Exchange objective, you must report on the Immunization Registry Reporting and Electronic Case Reporting (or their exclusions).
Note: In Public Health and Clinical Data Exchange the measures Public Health Registry Reporting, Clinical Data Registry Reporting, and Syndromic Surveillance Reporting are optional. You could earn bonus points if you select any one of them.
Additionally, in Public Health and Clinical Data Exchange, the MIPS eligible clinicians must submit their level of active engagement for each required and bonus measure they report.
There are three reporting options for Health Information Exchange objective. Choose one of the below mentioned options:
Option 1: PI_HIE_1 and PI_HIE_4 (or their exclusions).
Option 2: PI_HIE_5.
Option 3: PI_HIE_6.Query of the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program and its three exclusions are displayed as a mandatory measure.
The new measure TEFCA is also displayed as a part of the objective Health Information Exchange.
Active engagement levels are displayed as mandatory in the objective Public Health and Clinical Data Exchange. When the user expands active engagement level of a measure, the system displays its details.