What are Problem List Search Options?

Claims > Remittance > Problem List

While managing claims, user has the option to Assign a claim to another Practice User.

To Assign

User can assign the claim by following these simple steps:

  1. Checkmark the claims that user wants to assign by clicking on the box next to each of them.
  2. Click on Assign
  3. Click on the Name of the recipient.

To Restore (Remove claims that have been resolved)

Checkmark the claim and Click ‘Restore’

To See Assignments

Here, user can Search By:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Account Number
  • Insured ID
  • Claim Identifier
  • Date of Service
  • Problem
  • Responsible Plan
  • Assigned To

The following screen shot displays the search filters:

Problem List

If user selects ‘Responsible Plan’, there would be a dropdown next to it from which user can choose a plan.

Problem List

If user chooses to select ‘Assigned To’, user would have to select a user from the alphabetically-ordered list of all the users in the adjacent dropdown menu.

The two search options are also added in Claims, Remittence and only ‘Assigned To’ is added in eSuperBill search.

Pending Assignments

On the top right corner of the Pending claims window, click on down arrow to view all claims or only those claims that are assigned to user.

Pending Assignments

To Work on Claims

Pending Claims
  • Click on ‘Plus’ sign to the left of the claim to see the reason it was added to the problem list.
  • Click on the ‘Date’ to edit the charge.
  • Click on ‘Add Problem’ to add additional issues that need to be resolved for this claim. Click on ‘Save’ to keep the changes.
  • ‘Add Assignments’ lets user enter notes on the work being done to resolve the issues.
  • Click on ‘Save’ to keep the changes.
Add Problem
Add Problem

Checkmark the claims that user wants to move and click on the ‘Move To’ button at the top of the window. From the drop down menu, user can select ‘On Hold or Resolved’ option. The claim will automatically be moved to the corresponding tab.
