How to Search for Records in Problem List?

Billing > Professional > Alerts > Problem List

The user can search for records in ‘Problem List’ using multiple search filters.

Problem List

Here, the ‘Location’ dropdown includes locations of all practices. User can select the required location to get records against it.

‘Location’ Drop-down

Moreover, ‘Group By’ drop-down is added. It sorts the results according to:

  • Case
  • Location
  • Patient
  • Responsible Plan
  • Rendering Provider
  • Billing Provider
  • Claim Status
  • Program
‘Group By’ Dropdown

Users can directly navigate to Patient’s demographics and insurance from Problem List page.

This allows easy and time saving navigations to the users.

When the user navigates to ‘Problem List’ page, the system displays ‘Patient’ names and ‘Responsible Plans’ as hyperlinks in the list.

To enable these hyperlinks on ‘Problem List’ page, the checkboxes for ‘Patient’, ‘Insurance’, ‘Edit demographic’ and ‘Edit Insurance’ should be enabled from the ‘Settings’ module. Click here, to view how these checkboxes can be enabled.

The user clicks on the Patient’s name hyperlink.

‘Patient’ Hyperlink

The system navigates the users to ‘Add/Edit Patient Demographics’ Page.

‘Add/Edit Demographic’ Page

Similarly, the user clicks on ‘Responsible Plan’ hyperlink.

‘Responsible Plan’ Hyperlink

The system navigates the user to ‘Add/Edit Insurance’ Page.

‘Add/Edit Insurance’ Page