How to post individual payment?

CureMD allows user to record Co-Pay and Advance payments against a checked-in appointment. In order to record any other type of payment, user must first create a charge.
An Individual Payment can be posted against a charge using any of the following workflows:

From the Patient Module:

Patient > Billing > Payments

Follow the above mentioned workflow to navigate to “Payments” page.

On the “Payments” screen user can view all the dates of services for which payments can be posted.


Simply locate the required date of service and click on ‘Appointment date’ to reach the respective “Post Payments” page.

Post Payments


From an Existing Appointment:

Scheduler > Create Charge > Enter Payments

Navigate to the “Appointments” page, following the above mentioned workflow.

Once there, click the ‘Appointment’ for which is created. Click ‘Enter Payments’ from the menu that appears, to reach “Post Payments” screen.

Daily Scheduler Enter Payments

On the “Post Payments” page, user can provide Payer and Payment Method Information, Advances and Allocations, line level for payment details, and set Claim Status.

Post Payments

In the ‘Payer and Payment Method’ section, provide payment details by selecting Plan, Payment Method, Check Number, Check Date, Claim Control Number and Bank information.

NOTE: Make sure that the Insurance Plan selected in the ‘Payment By’ field is the insurance company to which the user is posting a payment from.

Post Payment

To post the payment for each procedure, enter allowable amount from the insurance in the ‘Allowed Amount’ column. If there is a difference between the billed and approved amounts, it will be automatically displayed in the ‘Write Off’ field.

Also, enter details such as Paid Amount , Transfers and Copay.

NOTE:If there is an existing copay, the amount automatically displays in the ‘Copay’ column. This amount is changeable if the insurance company selected, decides on a different value for the Copay.

Post Payment – Procedure

Click on the ‘Details’ pencil icon to view the reason codes for transfers and write offs.

NOTE:The insurance companies use these codes to indicate why an amount is being transferred or written off. Any amount entered in the Transfers column appear here under code PR 02 Co-Insurance where as any amount entered in the Write Off columns appear under code CO 45. If user wishes to use a different code, simply select the group and reason codes from the first two fields, enter the associated amount in the third field and click Add. If user wishes to remove an existing code, simply click the delete icon next to respective code.

Post Payment – Detials

User can also update claim’s status at ‘Claim Status’ field.

Post Payments – Claim Status

‘Next Responsible’ shows the party who will be responsible for the amount entered in the Transfers column. The system auto selects the party based on the expected progression of primary payment, secondary payment if there is a secondary plan and finally patient payment.

NOTE:At the bottom of screen, there is a Comments field for any payment specific comments.

Post Payments – Next Responsible

Select the Crossover Claim box to indicate that the current payer has sent remaining balance to the next responsible party.

The ‘Interest Amount’ field can be used to store interest payments from insurance companies. The Transaction Balance field tracks whether the payments on the currently selected procedure line are posted correctly, if the amount in this field is 0 then the posted payment is valid. Click Save to post the payment.

Post Payment – Crossover Claim


From the Billing Module:

Billing > Professional > Payments > Search > Appointment

Navigate to Appointments “Search” page, by following the above mentioned workflow.

Here, search for appointments using basic or advanced search criteria.

Click on the appropriate tab, select or enter search criteria and click on ‘Search’ icon to view the results. Once required appointment is there, click on the Appointment date to reach the “Post Payments” screen.

Search Appointment

Users can also use the ‘Advanced Search’ tab to search by ‘Responsible Plan’.

In case ‘Search by Responsible Plan’ checkbox is checked, ‘Appointment Plan’ is renamed to ‘Responsible Plan’. Hence, the user can filter appointments in accordance with Responsible Plan.

Advanced Search – Search by Responsible Plan