
CureMD Meaningful Use Consultancy is here to make it easy for you. In order to qualify for Meaningful Use 2015, sign up for our consultancy and you will be able to:

  • Avoid penalties
  • Fulfill all the core and menu measures.
  • Earn incentives

— To learn more about CureMD’s Meaningful Use Consultancy, email us at muconsulting@curemd.com or call us at (718) 213 4870.

Meaningful Use (MU) is an incentive program administrated by CMS that rewards providers who demonstrate “Meaningful Use” of certified healthcare technology. It was established by law in the American Recovery & Reinvestment Act of 2009.

Eligible providers can participate in either the Medicare Incentive Program or the Medicaid Incentive Program and receive an incentive amount up to $63,750 by fulfilling the requirements set forth by CMS.

NOTE: For more details on Meaningful Use program, refer to the following page : Medicare Incentive Program & Medicaid Incentive Program.

CMS recently released a final rule that specifies criteria that eligible professionals (EPs), eligible hospitals, and critical access hospitals (CAHs) must meet in order to participate in the Medicare and Medicaid Electronic Health Record (EHR) Incentive Programs. The final rule’s provisions encompass 2015 through 2017 (Modified Stage 2) as well as Stage 3 in 2018 and beyond.

Based on the constant feedback from professional medical associations, medical providers and Congress, CMS has released changes to the Meaningful Use program on October 6, 2015. The aim of this change is to reduce the complexity of the EHR incentive program and cater to the many challenges that prevented the providers from meeting Stage 2 Meaningful Use Requirements.

CMS has removed Stage 1 from the program in order to simplify the requirements by placing everyone into the same Stage. Any providers who were previously in Stage 1 for 2015 will now be placed in “Modified Stage 2”.

The CureMD MU KPI allows a user to get an instant overview in terms of the practice compliance with the various measures set forth by CMS. Meaningful Use Performance KPI now has 2 tabs that allows Users to review their progress for Stage 1 and Stage 2.