How to Select a New Pharmacy?

Patient > Clinical > Medications

Follow the above mentioned workflow to land on the ‘Medications’ screen and click ‘Prescribe’.

Add Prescription

After selecting a medication the user can select a pharmacy by choosing ‘Select another pharmacy’ option from the pharmacy drop down.

Select Pharmacy

Then, the ‘Search Pharmacy’ window is displayed which contains a list of pharmacies for the user to choose from. Users can also search for a specific pharmacy or pharmacies in a general area using the following fields:

  • Address
  • City
  • Zip
  • Type of Pharmacy
  • State
  • Phone

Users can also search the Data Library or SureScripts.

Pharmacy Search

A list of pharmacies is displayed according to the selected search criteria or the name typed in the ‘Pharmacy’ field.

Click on the pharmacy name (hyperlink) to select a pharmacy.

Pharmacy Search Results

Only the pharmacies supporting eRx are displayed in the pharmacy list on the pharmacy search page.

This allows the healthcare providers to electronically send prescriptions to a patient’s pharmacy of choice.

Nevertheless, if the user leverages the search/filters, the pharmacies in the list are displayed accordingly.  

However, if an un-coded pharmacy needs to be accessed, the user has to select ‘Internal’ option from the ‘Type’ dropdown and click on ‘Search’ tab at the top.

Pharmacy Search