How to Apply Automatic and Manual Crossover Filter in Crossover Bucket?

Claims > Claims Management > Processed

When claims are automatically crossed over through ERA they are sent to ‘Next Responsible’ by the Payer. If the claims are manually marked as ‘Crossover’, user sends the claim to ‘Next Responsible’. 

User can manage the crossed over claims by filtering the claims as Manually or Automatically to make the search efficient.

Follow the workflow mentioned above to access the ‘Processed’ tab. Expand it to access ‘Crossover’ tab.

Here, the user can select ‘Secondary’ or ‘Tertiary’ crossover by clicking on the respective tab.

From the ‘Search In’ dropdown select ‘Crossover’ by clicking on it and from the ‘By’ dropdown click on the ‘Crossover Type’ option.

Automatic and Manual

This displays a dropdown with the options like Select(By Default), Automatic and Manual.

Crossover Type

Select the desired option by clicking on it, and hit on the ‘Search’ button from the top.

If user hovers the mouse pointer over the claim, a tooltip is displayed containing the claim information.

Claim Tooltip

Medicare advises medical billers to wait 30 calendar days from the initial remittance date before submitting the claim to the secondary/tertiary payer.  

This helps in avoiding duplicate claims which may result from submitting the claim within 30 days since its crossover.

Users can view the number of days that have passed since the crossover occurred.

Secondary Claims Bucket

If this number exceeds 30, then the respective claim can be submitted to the secondary/tertiary payer.

Open the Tertiary Tab. The user can view the table includes that displays a column ‘Days since crossover’ which indicates the number of days since the respective claim was crossed over.