How to Add a Reference Provider?

Setting > Practice > Provider > Reference Provider

The permission to add a reference provider can be configured by toggling the relevant checkbox in user permissions settings.

Checkbox for Adding Referring Provider

If a user without the ‘Add Referring Provider’ permission attempts to add a referring provider, the ‘Add Referring Provider’ button appears disabled and greyed out. Hovering over the button displays the message: “Access Denied: You do not have the necessary permissions to perform this action,” indicating that the user lacks the required permissions.

Option to Add Referring Provider Disabled

The requirement to fill out the NPI field for adding a Reference Provider can be controlled using the relevant checkbox in the practice’s Billing Settings.

‘Referring Provider NPI Required’ Checkbox

When the checkbox is checked, the NPI field displays a mandatory indication (*). Then, if the user attempts to save a referring provider’s information without entering an NPI, the system displays the prompt message “Please enter the NPI” and prevents the form from being submitted.

Prompt for Adding NPI