How Does SPARCS Implementation Effects Quick Charge?

Patient > Billing > Quick Charge

SPARCS has modified the claim file submission criteria according to X12 standards.
To accommodate changes, user can specify Mothers Medical Record Number on professional charge.

Quick Charge- SPARCS

Practice User can generate SPARCS file when patient is responsible for payment. 
Navigate to Add/Edit Charges page to add details for charges.

No Insurance Plan Selected

Here, patient is the responsible party and has no covering insurance; so no Plan is selected.
Moving forward, user can follow the workflow to generate SPARC files for the self-paying patient.

Claims > Add-On Services > SPARCS> Export Claims

Export Claims

In a scenario, where user can add an insurance and select a Primary, Secondary or Tertiary plan on the Charges page. The topologies for secondary and tertiary insurance’s is also sent in SPARCS file; just like primary insurance.

Charge Page