How to Inquire Eligibility for On Hold Claims?

Claims > Claims Management > On Hold Claims

In the CureMD application, users can inquire eligibility for the on-hold claims.

Opening On-Hold Claims

Select ‘Eligibility Status’ from the ‘Search By’ dropdown. This action allows the users to search according to eligibility statuses.

On-Hold Claims

A column named ‘Eligibility’ displays the eligibility status for a patient. Clicking on a status hyperlink opens the ‘Eligibility Inquiry’ tab.

Eligibility Column
Eligibility Inquiry

Moreover, user can search for claims using ‘Search By’ dropdown. Claims can be searched by ‘Eligibility Status’ and ‘Program Code’.

Users can mark a patient eligible or not eligible for insurances that offer real-time benefit check.

This allows billers to perform manual claim validation in case of any issue in the automatic real-time eligibility inquiry.

Click on the eligibility status link of an insurance that offers real-time benefit check to open the ‘Eligibility’ tab. Here, the system displays ‘Manual Eligibility Verification’ button next to ‘Inquiry’ button in the top bar.

‘Manual Eligibility Verification’ Button

Clicking ‘Manual Eligibility Verification’ button displays a dropdown screen where a patient can be marked either ‘Eligible’ or ‘Not Eligible’ by selecting the respective radio buttons.

Manual Eligibility Verification Dropdown Screen

Once done, click ‘Save’ and the system displays a prompt stating:

‘Eligibility status has been set’

‘Eligibility Status has been set’ Prompt

Click ‘OK’ to proceed.

Once the status has been changed, the system displays ‘Manual-E’ eligibility status in the insurance listing if the patient is manually marked as eligible, and ‘Manual-NE’ if marked not-eligible.

Updated Eligibility Status

The system restricts users from sending requests for eligibility inquiries if the ‘DOS (Date of Service) From’ is older than 364 days.

This ensures eligibility inquiries are requested in a timely manner.

The user has selected a date on the ‘DOS From’ calendar that is older than a year.

A prompt is displayed that states ‘Eligibility can only be inquired for the last 365 days from today’.

System Prompt

Click the ‘Ok’ button to close the prompt.

If the user selects a date for the ‘DOS From’ field that is within the time period of the past one year, then the eligibility inquiry request is sent successfully.