How to Edit Access Rights for all Patients?

Settings > Practice > Patient Portal Setup > Access Rights

Depending upon the need, a practice can restrict access to certain patient portal modules for all of the users or a specific user. To enable/disable access rights, navigate to Patient Portal Setup and click on Access Rights.

Patient Portal Setup

The Access Rights tab is divided into various modules with their respective sub-options. These modules are:

  • Home
  • Clinical
  • Provider Notes
  • Procedure Results
  • Lab Results
  • Radiology Results
  • Appointments
  • Miscellaneous

Each of these modules consist of categories with a checkbox with each of them.

Access Rights Tab

Enabling the desired checkbox displays the specific module on Patient Portal while disabling it hides that module from patient’s view.

A checkbox to hide immunization recommendations on the patient portal has been added in the Access Rights Tab.

Once user has marked this checkbox, then the system will not display the Immunization History and forecast on the patient portal for all the practice’s patient portal users.

Hide Immunization Recommendations Checkbox

Access rights can be updated for all the individual patient portal users of a practice. 

To update access rights the user can click on “Sync rights for all portal users”.


Sync Rights for All Portal Users

NOTE: The changes made here are applicable to all patient portal users of the practice.