How to Add Insurance?

Patient > Profile > Insurance

In order to add an insurance, follow the workflow above and click on Add.

Add Insurance

Fill the details for the insurance in given fields.


If the Claim Filling Indicator value is updated from the setting’s ‘Plan’ page, the updated value is displayed in the ‘Insurance’ tab.

The previous value is displayed in a grayed-out text in the dropdown.


For multiple possible values, the dropdown shows all the options. The value selected from settings is highlighted.

User can select another value for the Claim Filing Indicator from the same dropdown.


If user selects another option from this dropdown, that value is displayed for the Claim Filing Indicator.

If user selects previous (grayed out) value, a pop-up prompts the user to choose a valid option.


To set Claim Filing Indicator, please click here.

Practice Administrator can allow/restrict a user from adding or editing a patient’s insurance.

To view how to change permissions for a practice user, click here.

If a user is restricted from adding or editing a patient’s insurance, the ‘Insurance’ tab is disabled for that user and a tooltip is displayed with a message.

Insurance Tooltip

Users have the option to select a plan address as the default billing address for the claims.

This ensures that insurance claims are sent to the accurate plan address.

When the user clicks on the ‘Address’ dropdown, the system displays a ‘Default’ text label next to the address that is marked as default in the insurance plan settings.

‘Default’ Label on Plan Address

If any change has been made in the insurance status at client level, the TestSmarter API updates the status accordingly at 10g plan level, and vice versa.

For every status change, a log is created in the ‘Insurance Event Log’ page. To access the event log screen, click on the log icon next to ‘Add’ button on ‘Insurance’ page.

Log Button

After navigating to the event log page, expand the log details of an insurance by clicking on the designated carrot button.

Insurance Event Log

The log of the updates made through API are displayed with the text ‘Modified BY API’.

‘Modified By API’ Logs