How to Rename an Uploaded Document?

Document Manager > Select/Search Patient

Land on the ‘Patient’ tab in the ‘Document Manager’. Select a patient from the hotlist or search a patient through the search fields.

Click the required folder. This will display all the documents in that particular folder.

To rename an uploaded document, right click on the document. This will display a dropdown menu containing the following potions:

  • Open
  • Rename
Rename Document

Click ‘Rename’. A pop-up will be displayed enabling users to rename the document. Enter the new name and press ‘Enter’ to save the document name.

Rename Document


To cancel renaming the document after selecting the ‘Rename’ click anywhere on the screen.

The document details log can be viewed by clicking on the ‘View Log’ icon next to the document name.

Document Log
Document Log

You can only enter ‘-‘ , ‘_’ , ‘(‘ and ‘)’ in file name field. No other special character is allowed in this field.

While renaming a document, if you enter an invalid character, an alert message appears.

Document Log