How to Add Activities to a Regimen?

Oncology > Chemotherapy Manger > Regimens > Library

To add an activity in a regimen, click on the ‘Activities’ button to open the ‘Activities’ window.

’Activities’ button

From the ‘Activities’ window, users can select an activity and associate it with a therapy to schedule on a particular day. They can also set time durations for the activities and associate comments and notes as additional instructions.

Activities window

Once all the necessary information about the activity is added, click the ‘Add to Regimen’ button to add the selected activity the regimen.


To delete an activity, click on the ‘delete’ button.

’Delete’ button

To make edits in an activity, click on the activity hyperlink to open the ‘Activities’ window. From this window, the users can edit the schedule, and associate additional comments and notes.

Click on the ‘Update Regimen’ button to save the changes.