What is Order Summary, Review and Global Sign in the Treatment Plan?

Treatment Plan> Diagnosis>Orders>Review Orders and Sign Off

The entire treatment plan is visible on this screen in a summary view. The view consists of diagnoses and their associated clinical components.

Review Orders and Sign-Off Screen

Users can sign all of the clinical components by clicking on the ‘Sign Order(s)’ button.

Sign Order(s) Button

Clicking on ‘Sign Order(s)’ opens a ‘Prescription Preview’ pop-up. Clicking on ‘Continue’ signs all the orders that have been placed by the provider.

Prescription Preview

If a patient has potential medication/allergy interactions, an ‘Overridden Alerts’ pop-up appears. The user has to provide a reason for overriding the drug interaction alerts. The user can also choose to display the reason for overriding clinical alerts on the provider note SOAP text.

Overridden Alerts

After the orders have been signed, the user is navigated to a screen consisting of a summarized view of all of the signed orders. A ‘print’ icon is present next to the lab orders for printing their requisition.

Overridden Alert on Treatment Plan

Clicking on the ‘Print’ button opens the requisition for the lab order in a popup. A ‘Print’ button is visible for printing the requisition.

Lab Requisition

After the required requisitions have been printed, the user can click on ‘Save and Accept’ to navigate back to the provider note. The provider note now contains the SOAP text for the treatment plan.

Treatment Plan SOAP Text

New orders can be added to a treatment plan even after it is signed.

When a user signs a treatment plan, the system displays the “Signed” label next to all signed orders.  Additionally, the ‘Add Orders’ button appears next to the ‘Save & Accept’ button.

Signed Treatment Plan and ‘Add Orders’ Button

A new order can be added to the signed treatment plan by clicking on the ‘Add Orders’ button followed by the Add Orders icon ‘ ’ icon.

‘+ Order’ Button

When the add orders icon is clicked, the system displays the Global search bar from where the new Dx can be searched and added.

‘Search’ Section

The signed Dx orders cannot be changed or deleted, however, the newly added order is editable and has to be signed.

New Lab Order

When the user clicks the “Print Preview” button, the treatment plan HTML report displays any AOEs (Ask on Entry questions) that are filled in and attached to the tests.

AOEs Populated on Treatment Plan Review

Only the AOEs that have been filled out are populated on the report, ensuring that incomplete or missing AOEs are not shown. This helps maintain the accuracy and completeness of the treatment plan documentation.