How to Restrict Users on the Basis of Location on User Profile?

Settings > Practice > My Practice Settings > Security

To prevent erroneous and unnecessary charges from being created, CureMD application lets its users restrict the access of other users based only on the locations associated with their profiles.

Practice can restrict users to access financial records of patients on the basis of location. If every user is allowed access to all the records, it can increase the amount of erroneous charges and claims.

To do that, follow the workflow above to land on the ‘Security’ screen.
Scroll down to the ‘Patient Record Access’ heading. Here, mark the ‘Enable location based access to patient’s record’ check-box.


Save the settings by clicking the ‘Save’ button from the action bar.

Save Security Settings

With these changes in the User Profile, only the locations allowed will be visible to the user.

To see how to set up locations associated with a user’s profile, click here.