How to Access My Notes?

  Personal > My Notes

Follow the workflow mentioned above to land on the ‘My Notes’ screen.

Users can view all of their provider notes here. Provider Notes can be filtered by the following options:

  • Name
  • Status
  • Date
  • Keyword
  • Note Template
  • Type

Notes from the list can also be assigned to other users. Select the required note and click the ‘Assign’ button.

My Notes

Click the date under ‘Visit Date’ column to display the required note. Once the note is displayed, users have the following options:

  • Edit
  • Sign or Sign
  • Review the note.
View Notes

Users can view reportability responses associated with a provider note by clicking the relevant ‘Reportability Report’ icon next to the ‘Provider’ column.

Reportability Response Icon

Clicking this icon opens a window titled ‘Reportability Responses,’ which displays all reportable responses linked to that provider note. The system tracks the ‘Last Reviewed By’ and ‘Last Reviewed On’ details for each response.

To view individual reports, users can click the hyperlinks in the ‘Date/Time’ column.

Reportability Responses Window and Date/Time Hyperlink

Doing so displays the report to the user.

Reportability Response Report

The system maintains a log of everyone who reviews a response. Users can access these logs by clicking the log icon next to each response.

Note: The log icon only appears after a report has been viewed at least once.

Logs Icon

Filter dropdowns labeled “Location” and “Assigned To” appear above the notes listing.

The “Location” filter shows a list of all practice-related locations, including inactive locations displayed in grey. Similarly, the “Assigned To” dropdown lists all practice users, with inactive users highlighted in grey.

‘Location’ and ‘Assigned To’ Filters in My Notes Section