How to Add a Physical Exam Template to CureMD Template Library?

Settings > EHR > Templates > Physical Exams

Follow the workflow above to land on the ‘PE Templates’ screen.

Users can import an ‘ACOG PE Template’ from the CureMD Template Library.

Click a PE Template to display the ‘Edit PE Template’ screen.

Selecting Physical Exam Template
Customize PE

Click ‘Customize PE’ button to display the ‘Customize PE’ screen.

Select the ‘PE Name’ and click ‘Customize PE’ button.

Doing so will display the PE Template components.

PE Name

Users can select the systems to be included in the template by enabling checkboxes against the respective system and clicking ‘Save’.

Customize PE

Once this is done user can push the template to the CureMD template library by clicking on the ‘Push to Template Library’ option.

Pushing to CureMD Template Library