How to View NPI?

Patient > Orders and Results > Lab

CureMD lab order reports have provider NPI printed on them with all the templates. In order to comply with state regulations, provider NPI is also printed on the lab order reports with a standard template. If user prints the lab order report with a standard template from any of the below mentioned workflows in the application, the provider NPI is printed on it.

  • Personal > Orders & Results > Lab > Pending Orders > Requisition > Print
  • Personal > Administration > Orders & Results > Lab > Pending Orders > Requisition > Print
  • Patient > Provider Notes > Current provider Note >Orders > Lab > Print
  • Patient > Clinical > Lab > Pending Orders > Print
NPI on Lab Order Reports with Standard Template

User can have the practice’s fax number printed on the order report by using the “LabElectronicRequisitionExt” order report template.

Fax Number on Order Report

Similarly, user can have the practice’s phone number and patient diagnosis printed on the order report by using the LabOrderReportPikesPeak order report template.

Phone Number and Diagnosis on Order Report