How to Search for an eSuperbill?

Billing > Professional > Charges  > Search > eSuperbill

Users can search for an eSuperbill using Basic or Advanced search methods. Navigate to ‘Basic’ Search page by following the above mentioned workflow.

Here, eSuperbill can be searched using the ‘Search By’ drop-down. Select the search criteria from the dropdown.

Click ‘Search’ button to see the list of relevant eSuperbills.

Search By

Users can also add an eSuperbill/Charge to problem list. Select an eSuperbill with status ‘Signed’, ‘Unsigned’ or ‘Charged’ by marking the checkbox against it. The, click the ‘Add to Problem List’ button.

If an eSuperbill with a status other than the specified ones is selected, an alert is displayed.

Adding to Problem List Prompt

Moreover, users can choose to include no charge appointments in the search results list by marking the ‘Include No-Charge Appointments’ checkbox.

Basic Search

Users can also search for required eSuperbills by navigating to ‘Advanced’ search for more comprehensive results.

Multiple eSuperbill note types can be searched simultaneously with a single search criterion. Here, the multi-select ‘Note Type’ drop-down can be used to mark multiple eSuperbill note types.

Search Criteria

Once the required criteria is selected, the user proceeds to click ‘Search’.

Advanced Search

The Last Visit “” button can be used to choose whether to merge or replace ICD, CPT, Dx Pointer information of the eSuperbill from the Provider note.

Last Visit buttons

The ‘Merging’ option combines the information retrieved from the Provider Note with the Last Visit’s data.

Information from the provider note is removed upon selection of ‘replacing’ option. Only the Last Visit’s data is displayed.

User can view all no-charge encounters along with regular encounters in the eSuperbill tab.

Mark the checkbox ‘Include No-Charge Encounters’ in ‘Basic’ search.

Basic Search

A similar checkbox is displayed in the ‘Advanced’ search tab.

Advanced Search

Additionally, users can choose to add custom view with ‘No-Charge Encounters’ included. To learn how to do this, click here.

Users can edit a previously filled Quality Programs (PQRS/ASCQR) Questionnaire on a signed eSuperbill. This can be done by selecting a signed eSuperbill from the search results and then navigating to the ‘Quality Program’ section.

Here, the user is allowed to click on the PQRS or ASCQR measure name to edit the previously filled Questionnaire.
Quality Programs Section

Phone encounters note type has been added in the eSuperbill search listing. This allows users to keep track of phone encounters and get reimbursements for these visits.

On the ‘Basic’ tab of eSuperbill node, when the user clicks on the ‘Search’ button, the system displays all encounters in the listing including the phone encounters.

‘All Encounters Including Phone Encounter’

Meanwhile, on the ‘Advanced’ tab, the option of ‘Phone Encounter’ has been added in the ‘Note Type’ dropdown.

‘Phone Encounter’ Option in Note Type

Click here to view a similar change made on ‘Add Custom View’ List page.

‘Phone Encounter’ option has been added in the ‘Note Type’ dropdown for users to create a custom view for eSuperbill.

‘Phone Encounter’ Note Type

“eSuperbill Signed By” dropdown remains disabled unless Signed or Charged value is selected in “eSuperbill Status” dropdown.

For both ‘Basic’ and ‘Advanced’ tabs, the bottom of the screen features labels with accompanying informational icons.

When users hover over or click on this info icon, a detailed tooltip appears. This tooltip provides information about the functionalities present on the screen and offers guidance on how to use them effectively.

Label, Informational Icons and Tooltip

These labels are available under all search categories.